Chronic Illness Recovery provides a free counseling service for patients who are on Inflammation Therapy. Patients report online in a secure, interactive forum. A Registered Nurse responds to the patient’s report to provide an assessment and guidance. In this way patients are assured that treatment is on track.
Patients receive:
frequent monitoring via secure Forum or telephone by Registered Nurses
assessment for compliance and safety
suggestions regarding medication adjustments
educational materials from our extensive, easy-to-read Library of Information to ensure understanding of the treatment and recovery process
emotional support and practical information
advice to contact his/her Healthcare Provider if a situation seems to warrant immediate medical attention or a clinic visit
private forum for posting reports.
Interested patients should send an email to and ask for an Enrollment Form. Or call 1-888-846-2474 toll-free for a free initial consultation.
CIR has a list of doctors who have been reported to be using, or interested in, Inflammation Therapy. To obtain a list, please send us an email at and let us know in which area you are looking, or where you are willing or able to travel.
Healthcare Providers need not have a patient enrolled in our counseling program to take advantage of our resources:
Patients’ Library
Physicians’ Reference Library
If you’re a Healthcare Provider who is interested in our website resources please call or email us at There is no fee for these services.
Library of Information Access
Patients who don’t wish to enroll in our counseling program may obtain access to our extensive, easy-to-read Library of Information (see this sample page). Interested patients should contact us at It’s our policy to notify Healthcare Providers when their patient has access to this Library because it contains information about managing prescription medications.
Click here for a list of articles available in our Library of Information and Physicians’ Reference Library.
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