Nothing contained in these articles is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by your physician.
The articles in this index have been adapted from our private Library of Information. These articles do not contain details about Benicar dosing or the antibiotics (which are prescription medications) used with Inflammation Therapy. That information is in our Library of Information which is accessible by any physician upon request and by others who provide their physician’s contact information. Click here for a list of articles available in our Library of Information and Physicians Library.
Access to our private libraries (see this sample page) is available, without enrollment in our counseling program. Interested persons should contact us via It’s our policy to notify your doctor that you have access to this information about management of Inflammation Therapy prescription medications.
Physicians may use CIR libraries even if they don’t have a patient enrolled in our counseling program….simply contact us and ask to register.
Unless otherwise specified, the information in these articles was written by Meg Mangin, RN
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